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Cassius Ionescu-Tulcea Cassius Ionescu-Tulcea 1923 - 2021 Mathematician
Vasile Parvan Vasile Parvan 1882 - 1927 Historian and Archaeologist
Ruxandra Sireteanu Ruxandra Sireteanu 1945 - 2008 neuroscientist
Gheorghe Mihoc Gheorghe Mihoc 1906 - 1981 Mathematician and Statistician
Gheorghe I. Bratianu Gheorghe I. Bratianu 1898 - 1953 Historian
Simion Barnutiu Simion Barnutiu 1808 - 1864 Historian, Philosopher, Jurist
Henri Stahl Henri Stahl 1877 - 1942 Historian
Paul Constantinescu Paul Constantinescu 1909 - 1963 composer
Edgar Papu Edgar Papu 1908 - 1993 Literary Scholar
David Praporgescu David Praporgescu 1865 - 1916 Brigadier General
Ion Mihalache Ion Mihalache 1882 - 1963 Politician
Julius Borcea Julius Borcea 1968 - 2009 Mathematician
Stephen the Great Stephen the Great 1433 - 1504 Voivode of Moldavia
Mircea Eliade Mircea Eliade 1907 - 1986 Historian of Religions
Silviu Brucan Silviu Brucan 1916 - 2006 political analyst
Ilie Balaci Ilie Balaci 1956 - 2018 Footballer and Manager
Anton Holban Anton Holban 1902 - 1937 Novelist
Mihai Eminescu Mihai Eminescu 1850 - 1889 Poet
Michael Klein Michael Klein 1959 - 1993 Footballer
Pascal Bentoiu Pascal Bentoiu 1927 - 2016 Composer
Stefan Procopiu Stefan Procopiu 1890 - 1972 Physicist
Cristian Vasile Cristian Vasile 1908 - 1974 Romanian Singer
Nicolae Densusianu Nicolae Densusianu 1846 - 1911 Historian
Corneliu Manescu Corneliu Manescu 1916 - 2000 Diplomat
Petru Mocanu Petru Mocanu 1931 - 2016 Mathematician
Vasile Carlova Vasile Carlova 1809 - 1831 Poet and Officer
Emil Botta Emil Botta 1911 - 1977 Actor, Writer
Barbu Dimitrie Stirbei Barbu Dimitrie Stirbei 1799 - 1869 Prince
Nicolae Labis Nicolae Labis 1935 - 1956 Poet
Iosif Berman Iosif Berman 1892 - 1941 Photojournalist
Constantin C. Giurescu Constantin C. Giurescu 1901 - 1977 Historian
Virgil Mazilescu Virgil Mazilescu 1942 - 1984 Poet
Nichifor Crainic Nichifor Crainic 1889 - 1972 Theologian, Writer
Adrian Paunescu Adrian Paunescu 1943 - 2010 Poet, politician
Alexandru Dimitrie Xenopol Alexandru Dimitrie Xenopol 1847 - 1920 Historian
Ion Pillat Ion Pillat 1891 - 1945 Poet
Geo Dumitrescu Geo Dumitrescu 1920 - 2004 Poet and Translator
Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu 1876 - 1955 novelist
Ion C. Massim Ion C. Massim 1825 - 1877 linguist
Savel Radulescu Savel Radulescu 1885 - 1970 Diplomat
Petru Dumitriu Petru Dumitriu 1924 - 2002 Novelist
Constantin Daicoviciu Constantin Daicoviciu 1898 - 1973 Historian and archaeologist
Petre Ispirescu Petre Ispirescu 1830 - 1887 Editor, Folklorist
Nicolae Dobrin Nicolae Dobrin 1947 - 2007 Footballer
Nicolae Balcescu Nicolae Balcescu 1819 - 1852 Historian, Soldier, Journalist
Emil Racovita Emil Racovita 1868 - 1947 Biologist, Explorer
Dinu Lipatti Dinu Lipatti 1917 - 1950 Pianist, Composer
Ion Antonescu Ion Antonescu 1882 - 1946 Prime Minister and Conducător of Romania
Constantin Dimitrescu Constantin Dimitrescu 1847 - 1928 Composer
Caius Iacob Caius Iacob 1912 - 1992 Mathematician
Mihai Olos Mihai Olos 1940 - 2015 conceptual artist
Nicolaus Olahus Nicolaus Olahus 1493 - 1568 Archbishop of Esztergom
Ciprian Ilie Foias Ciprian Ilie Foias 1933 - 2020 Mathematician
Ion Ghica Ion Ghica 1816 - 1897 Prime Minister
Gheorghe Titeica Gheorghe Titeica 1873 - 1939 Mathematician
Vlad III the Impaler Vlad III the Impaler 1431 - 1476 Voivode of Wallachia
Emanoil Bacaloglu Emanoil Bacaloglu 1830 - 1891 scientist
Alexandru Proca Alexandru Proca 1897 - 1955 Physicist
Octav Onicescu Octav Onicescu 1892 - 1983 Mathematician
Mihail Sebastian Mihail Sebastian 1907 - 1945 Playwright
Mircea Nedelciu Mircea Nedelciu 1950 - 1999 Writer
Basarab I Basarab I 1270 - 1352 Voivode of Wallachia
Eta Boeriu Eta Boeriu 1923 - 1984 Poet, Literary Critic, Translator
Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen 1870 - 1964 Scientist
Alexandru Musina Alexandru Musina 1954 - 2013 Poet, Essayist, Editor
Gheorghe G. Mironescu Gheorghe G. Mironescu 1874 - 1949 Politician
Dimitrie Cuclin Dimitrie Cuclin 1885 - 1978 Composer
Grigore Vasiliu Birlic Grigore Vasiliu Birlic 1905 - 1970 Comedic actor
Adrian Maniu Adrian Maniu 1891 - 1968 Poet, Writer
Carol Davila Carol Davila 1828 - 1884 Physician
Lucian Blaga Lucian Blaga 1895 - 1961 philosopher, poet
Valeriu Sterian Valeriu Sterian 1952 - 2000 musician
Ion Minulescu Ion Minulescu 1881 - 1944 poet, playwright, journalist
George Bacovia George Bacovia 1881 - 1957 Poet
Cristian Popescu Cristian Popescu 1959 - 1995 poet
Anatol Emilian Baconsky Anatol Emilian Baconsky 1925 - 1977 Poet, Critic
Ovid Samuel Crohmalnicean Ovid Samuel Crohmalnicean 1921 - 2000 Literary Critic
Avram Iancu Avram Iancu 1824 - 1872 lawyer, revolutionary
Nicolae Titulescu Nicolae Titulescu 1882 - 1941 Diplomat
George Constantinescu George Constantinescu 1881 - 1965 Scientist, Engineer, Inventor
Ecaterina Teodoroiu Ecaterina Teodoroiu 1894 - 1917 War heroine
Ana-Maria Avram Ana-Maria Avram 1961 - 2017 Composer, Pianist, Conductor
Maria Tanase Maria Tanase 1913 - 1963 Singer, Actress
Ana Cumpanas Ana Cumpanas 1889 - 1947 Brothel owner
Ioan-Iovitz Popescu Ioan-Iovitz Popescu 1932 - 2023 Physicist and Linguist
Mihail Lascar Mihail Lascar 1889 - 1959 Military General
Iuliu Hatieganu Iuliu Hatieganu 1885 - 1959 Internist
Augustin Buzura Augustin Buzura 1938 - 2017 Novelist
Celine Arnauld Celine Arnauld 1885 - 1952 Poet
Nicolae Paulescu Nicolae Paulescu 1869 - 1931 Physiologist
Constantin Cristescu Constantin Cristescu 1866 - 1923 Lieutenant General
Petru Groza Petru Groza 1884 - 1958 Politician
Mircea Ionescu-Quintus Mircea Ionescu-Quintus 1917 - 2017 Politician
Nichita Stanescu Nichita Stanescu 1933 - 1983 Poet and essayist
Stefania Maracineanu Stefania Maracineanu 1882 - 1944 Physicist
Vasile Suciu Vasile Suciu 1873 - 1935 Metropolitan Bishop
Antiochus Kantemir Antiochus Kantemir 1708 - 1744 poet, diplomat
Gheorghe Craciun Gheorghe Craciun 1950 - 2007 Writer
George Enescu George Enescu 1881 - 1955 Composer
Iulia Hasdeu Iulia Hasdeu 1869 - 1888 Poet
Nicolae Ceausescu Nicolae Ceausescu 1918 - 1989 President
Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej 1901 - 1965 Politician
Sasa Pana Sasa Pana 1902 - 1981 Avant-garde poet
Elena Ceausescu Elena Ceausescu 1916 - 1989 Politician
Alexandru Averescu Alexandru Averescu 1859 - 1938 Prime Minister
Rodica Eugenia Simion Rodica Eugenia Simion 1955 - 2000 Mathematician
Dinu Patriciu Dinu Patriciu 1950 - 2014 Businessman, Politician, Architect
Dimitrie Gerota Dimitrie Gerota 1867 - 1939 Anatomist
Alexandru Ciurcu Alexandru Ciurcu 1854 - 1922 Inventor
Florian Pittis Florian Pittis 1943 - 2007 actor, singer
Costin Nenitzescu Costin Nenitzescu 1902 - 1970 Chemist
Richard Wurmbrand Richard Wurmbrand 1909 - 2001 Pastor
Grigore Moisil Grigore Moisil 1906 - 1973 Mathematician, Computer Scientist
Alexandru Vaida-Voevod Alexandru Vaida-Voevod 1872 - 1950 Politician
Tudor Vladimirescu Tudor Vladimirescu 1780 - 1821 Revolutionary Leader
Liviu Rebreanu Liviu Rebreanu 1885 - 1944 novelist, playwright
Sergiu Celibidache Sergiu Celibidache 1912 - 1996 Conductor
Eugenia Popescu-Judet Eugenia Popescu-Judet 1925 - 2011 Dancer, Choreographer
Suleyman Celebi Suleyman Celebi 1377 - 1411 Ottoman prince and co-ruler of the empire
Andrei Muresanu Andrei Muresanu 1816 - 1863 Poet and Revolutionary
Marius Constant Marius Constant 1925 - 2004 Composer, Conductor
Ion Gheorghe Maurer Ion Gheorghe Maurer 1902 - 2000 Prime Minister
Stephane Lupasco Stephane Lupasco 1900 - 1988 Philosopher
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu Corneliu Zelea Codreanu 1899 - 1938 Politician
Eugen Filotti Eugen Filotti 1896 - 1975 Diplomat
Traian T. Cosovei Traian T. Cosovei 1954 - 2014 Poet
Sergiu Florin Nicolaescu Sergiu Florin Nicolaescu 1930 - 2013 Film director, actor
Ioan Petru Culianu Ioan Petru Culianu 1950 - 1991 Historian of Religions
Traian Vuia Traian Vuia 1872 - 1950 Aviation pioneer
Mina Minovici Mina Minovici 1858 - 1933 Forensic Scientist
Constant Tonegaru Constant Tonegaru 1919 - 1952 poet, journalist, activist, civil servant
Maria Filotti Maria Filotti 1883 - 1956 Actress
Dimitrie Brandza Dimitrie Brandza 1846 - 1895 Botanist
Alexandru Ioan Cuza Alexandru Ioan Cuza 1820 - 1873 Prince
Ion Gheorghe Duca Ion Gheorghe Duca 1879 - 1933 Politician
Doina Cornea Doina Cornea 1929 - 2018 Human Rights Activist
Ivan Patzaichin Ivan Patzaichin 1949 - 2021 Canoeist
Dumitru Staniloae Dumitru Staniloae 1903 - 1993 Theologian
Ion Heliade-Radulescu Ion Heliade-Radulescu 1802 - 1872 Poet, essayist, journalist
Gherasim Luca Gherasim Luca 1913 - 1994 Surrealist Poet
Vlad II Dracul Vlad II Dracul -1395 - 1447 Voivode of Wallachia
Florentina Ioana Mosora Florentina Ioana Mosora 1940 - 1996 Biophysicist, Actress
Justinian Marina Justinian Marina 1901 - 1977 Patriarch
Ion Barbu Ion Barbu 1895 - 1961 Poet and Mathematician
Miron Cristea Miron Cristea 1868 - 1939 Patriarch
Bujor Nedelcovici Bujor Nedelcovici 1936 - 2023 Novelist
Serban Cioculescu Serban Cioculescu 1902 - 1988 Literary critic and historian
Panait Istrati Panait Istrati 1884 - 1935 Writer
Mihail Farcasanu Mihail Farcasanu 1907 - 1987 Journalist, Politician, Writer
Cezar Bolliac Cezar Bolliac 1813 - 1881 Poet
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Top 10 Died Influential People

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  • 1. Stephen the Great

    Died: 1504 A.D
    Slogan: Faithful to God and my people

    Stephen III, known as Stephen the Great, was the Voivode of Moldavia from 1457 to 1504. He is celebrated for strengthening Moldavia's statehood and maintaining its independence against the ambitions of Hungary, Poland, and the Ottoman Empire. He was victorious in thirty-four of his thirty-six battles and was one of the first to win a decisive victory over the Ottomans at the Battle of Vaslui. His reign is marked by numerous military campaigns and the construction of many churches, earning him the title 'Athleta Christi' by Pope Sixtus IV.

  • 2. Carol II of Romania

    Died: 1953 A.D
    Slogan: I have always fought for the greatness of Romania.

    Carol II was the King of Romania from 1930 to 1940. His reign was marked by controversy and political maneuvering, which ultimately led to his abdication. Carol's personal life was equally tumultuous, with multiple marriages and an affair that caused scandal. Despite these challenges, he is known for his efforts to modernize Romania and his cultural initiatives.

  • 3. Richard Wurmbrand

    Died: 2001 A.D
    Slogan: Marxism makes war against the whole spiritual world.

    Richard Wurmbrand, born on March 24, 1909, in Bucharest, Romania, was a Romanian Evangelical Lutheran priest and professor of Jewish descent. He became a Christian in 1938 and was later imprisoned and tortured by the Communist regime in Romania for his faith. After his release, he dedicated his life to advocating for persecuted Christians worldwide. He passed away on February 17, 2001, in Torrance, California.

  • 4. Ion Antonescu

    Died: 1946 A.D
    Slogan: For the nation, through myself.

    Ion Antonescu was a Romanian military officer and marshal who presided over two successive wartime dictatorships. He served as Prime Minister and Conducător during most of World War II. After World War I, Antonescu served as military attaché in Paris and London and, in 1934, as chief of the Romanian general staff. He was appointed prime minister with absolute powers in 1940, after Romania had lost significant territories. His administration was part of the Axis powers during the war. He was eventually captured and executed for war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity.

  • 5. Mircea Eliade

    Died: 1986 A.D
    Slogan: The sacred is the prime obstacle to his freedom.

    Mircea Eliade was a Romanian historian of religion, fiction writer, philosopher, and professor at the University of Chicago. He was one of the most influential scholars of religion of the 20th century and an interpreter of religious experience. His work on the history of religions and his paradigms in religious studies still hold significance in modern academia.

  • 6. Alexandru Ioan Cuza

    Died: 1873 A.D
    Slogan: A single nation, a single country, a single wish.

    Alexandru Ioan Cuza was a pivotal figure in Romanian history, serving as the first ruler of the united principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, which later became Romania. He implemented significant reforms that modernized the country, including land reform and the emancipation of peasants, as well as educational and judicial reforms. Despite opposition and eventual forced abdication, his contributions have left a lasting legacy in the shaping of modern Romania.

  • 7. Constantin Brancusi

    Died: 1957 A.D
    Slogan: Less is more.

    Constantin Brâncuși was a Romanian sculptor, painter, and photographer who made his career in France. Considered one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th century and a pioneer of modernism, Brâncuși is called the patriarch of modern sculpture. His art emphasizes clean geometrical lines that balance forms inherent in his materials with the symbolic allusions of representational art. Brâncuși sought inspiration in non-European cultures as a source of primitive exoticism. His notable works include The Endless Column, Bird in Space, and The Kiss.

  • 8. George Enescu

    Died: 1955 A.D
    Slogan: Music reflects all the mysterious undulations of the soul, without the possibility of pretense.

    George Enescu, born on August 19, 1881, in Liveni, Romania, was a renowned composer, violinist, conductor, and teacher. He is celebrated as one of the greatest musicians in Romanian history. A child prodigy, Enescu was admitted to the Vienna Conservatory at the age of seven. His notable works include the Romanian Rhapsodies and the opera Oedipe. Enescu's influence extended beyond his compositions as he was also a respected violin teacher and a promoter of music education in Romania. He passed away on May 4, 1955, in Paris, France, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire musicians around the world.

  • 9. Eugen Ionescu

    Died: 1994 A.D
    Slogan: A writer never has a vacation.For a writer,life consists of either writing or thinking about writing

    Eugène Ionesco was a Romanian-born French playwright, known as one of the foremost figures of the French avant-garde theatre. His work, characterized by its Absurdist elements, has left a lasting impact on the world of drama. Ionesco's plays often depict the solitude and insignificance of human existence in a tangible world full of decay, corruption, and repetitive action. Despite the dark themes, his plays are imbued with a sense of humor and the absurd, often reflecting the futility of mankind's search for meaning.

  • 10. Emil Cioran

    Died: 1995 A.D
    Slogan: The only successful philosophies are the ones that console you for being born.

    Emil Cioran was a Romanian philosopher and essayist, best known for his works on pessimism, the absurd, and nihilism. He was born in Rasinari, Romania, and studied philosophy at the University of Bucharest. He wrote several books, including On the Heights of Despair, Tears and Saints, and The Trouble with Being Born. Cioran's work has been noted for its pervasive philosophical pessimism, style, and aphorisms.

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