Dragotin Cvetko
Other names:
Job / Known for: Musicologist
Left traces: Slovenian music history
Date: 1911-09-19
Location: SI Vučja Vas, Styria
Date: 1993-12-12 (aged 82)
Resting place: SI Ljubljana
Death Cause:
Spouse: Nives Polak
Parent(s): Fran Cvetko, Alojzija Cvetko
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Dragotin Cvetko My QR code: Dragotin Cvetko https://DearGone.com/16231
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Music is the harmony of history and emotion, echoing through the ages.
About me / Bio:
Dragotin Cvetko was a prominent Slovenian composer and musicologist. He was born on September 19, 1911, in Vučja Vas, Styria, and passed away on December 12, 1993, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He was a foundational figure in Slovenian musicology and authored the first scientific history of music in Slovenia. He established the Department of Musicology at the University of Ljubljana and the Musicological Institute of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Cvetko's contributions to the field of music and his extensive research have left a lasting impact on the understanding and appreciation of Slovenian musical heritage.
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