Josip Vosnjak
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Job / Known for: Politician
Left traces: Slovene National Movement
Date: 1834-01-04
Location: SI Visole
Date: 1911-10-21 (aged 77)
Resting place: SI Visole, Slovenska Bistrica
Death Cause: Natural Causes
Parent(s): Mihael Vošnjak, Jožefa Krischan
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Josip Vošnjak

For a united Slovenia.
About me / Bio:
Josip Vošnjak was a prominent Slovene politician, author, and physician. He was a leader of the Slovene National Movement in the Duchy of Styria and a key figure in the Young Slovene movement. Born into a wealthy merchant family, he was fluent in Slovene from childhood despite a German-speaking environment. Vošnjak was educated in prestigious institutions and practiced medicine across various towns before settling in Ljubljana. His political career was marked by his advocacy for the unification of Slovene Lands and his role in the Tabori movement. He served in the Austrian Parliament and was a prolific writer, contributing to several journals and newspapers. Vošnjak retired from public life in 1895 and passed away at his estate in Visole.
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