Sammie Okposo
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Job / Known for: Gospel artist
Left traces: Songs and albums
Date: 1971-05-30
Location: NG Delta State
Date: 2022-11-25 (aged 51)
Resting place: NG Lagos State, Lagos, unknown address
Death Cause: Slumped
Spouse: Ozioma Okposo
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About me / Bio:
Sammie Okposo was a Nigerian gospel artist, music producer, psalmist, and CEO of Zamar Entertainment. He started his career as a soundtrack producer in the Nigerian movie industry in 1992. He released his debut album, Unconditional Love, in 2000, which featured the hit single Welu-Welu. He followed it up with his sophomore album, Addicted, in 2004. He collaborated with many other artists in the gospel and soul music fields, such as Marvellous Odiete and Jonathan Nelson. He performed regularly in Africa, Europe, and North America, and curated a series of concerts called SOPP (Sammie Okposo Praise Party). His most recent album, The Statement, was produced by the Grammy-winning Kevin Bond in 2018. He won several awards and recognition for his music, such as the Amen Awards, the Power of Music and Praise Awards, the Teen Choice Awards, and the CNA Awards. He was also nominated for the Kora Awards in 2003. He was married to Ozioma Okposo since 2010. He died on 25 November 2022, at the age of 51, after he reportedly slumped while he was being treated for exhaustion. He was one of the most influential and popular gospel singers in Nigeria and beyond.
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