Cindy Amadi
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Job / Known for: Actress
Left traces: Ife movie
Date: 1991-12-10
Location: NG Port Harcourt, Rivers State
Date: 2023-09-14 (aged 32)
Resting place: NG Lagos, Ikeja, 12 Adeola Street
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Cindy Amadi

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Love is love
About me / Bio:
Cindy Amadi was a talented Nigerian actress who gained widespread recognition for her role in the 2020 movie “Ife.” The movie was a groundbreaking production that delved into the complexities of same-sex relationships in Nigeria. Cindy portrayed the character of Adaora, a young woman who falls in love with another woman named Ife, played by Uzomaka Aniunoh. The movie was directed by Uyaiedu Ikpe-Etim, the sister of renowned actress Nse Ikpe-Etim. Cindy’s involvement in this project showcased her dedication to taking on diverse and meaningful roles in the world of cinema. Cindy began her acting career in 2013, and since then, she has featured in several Nollywood movies and TV series. Some of her notable works include “The Wedding Party,” “The Men’s Club,” “The Governor,” and “Lara and the Beat.” She was also a model and a voice-over artist. She had a passion for storytelling and entertainment, and she was always eager to learn and improve her craft. Cindy was in her early 20s at the time of her untimely passing. She possessed a vibrant and promising future ahead of her, with a burgeoning career in the film and entertainment industry. She was loved and admired by many fans, colleagues, and friends, who described her as a beautiful, talented, and kind-hearted person. She was also an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and social justice, and she used her platform to raise awareness and support for marginalized communities. Cindy’s death was announced on Thursday, September 14, 2023, by the producers of the movie “Ife” on their Instagram page. Pamela Adie, a gay rights activist and producer, also verified the actress’ death in a post on her Facebook story. Her cause of death has not been revealed yet, and the circumstances surrounding her passing are still under investigation. Her sudden departure has left many questions unanswered, and the Nigerian entertainment industry mourns the loss of one of its rising stars.
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