Justus Esiri
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Job / Known for: Actor
Left traces: True
Date: 1942-11-20
Location: NG Oria-Abraka, Delta State
Date: 2013-02-19 (aged 71)
Resting place: NG Abraka, Delta State
Death Cause: Complications from diabetes
Spouse: Omiete Esiri
Children: Sidney Onoriode Esiri (Dr Sid) and five others
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Justus Esiri My QR code: Justus Esiri https://DearGone.com/13935
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The real issue is that some of the problems we have are either technology driven or human-based.
About me / Bio:
Justus Esiri was a veteran award-winning Nigerian actor, generally considered to be one of the pillars of Nollywood with an acting career that goes way back to the 1960s. He came into prominence for his role in the popular Nigerian Television Authority TV-series The Village Headmaster and the film adaptation of Chinua Achebe's book Things Fall Apart where he played the role of Obierika. He won Best Actor award at the 9th Africa Movie Academy Awards post-humously for his role in Assassins Practice and was also honored as the inaugural recipient of the "Goodluck Jonathan Lifetime Achievement Award" at the 2013 Nollywood Movies Awards. The Nigerian government honored him with several National honors with the highest being an Officer of the Order of the Niger, OON for his contribution to the development of Film-Making in Nigeria. He is the father of popular Mavin Records Musician Dr Sid. He attended Urhobo College, in the then Bendel State. He left Nigeria for Germany for his higher education. Institutions he attended in Germany included Maximillan University, Munich, German (1964), Prof. Weners Institute of Engineering, West Berlin (1967) and the Ahrens School of Performing Arts (1968). While in Europe, he began his acting career. He was working as a German translator for the voice of Nigeria in Germany when he received an invitation home from the Nigerian Government to star in "The Village Headmaster" which he accepted. He has appeared in several Nollywood and TV productions including Wasted Years, Forever, The Prize, Six Demons, Corridors of Power, Last Night, The Tyrant, The Investigation, The Ghost, Assassin Practice, Doctor Bello, Twin Sword, Keep my Will, and Invasion 1897. He died in hospital in Lagos on 19 February 2013 from complications of diabetes. A tribute night, organized by the Actors Guild of Nigeria, was held at the National Stadium on 8 April 2013. Mass was at St. Jude Catholic Church in Mafoluku, Lagos, on 9 April 2013, and a Service of Songs was conducted in Warri the following day. His body was then taken to its final resting place in his hometown of Abraka. Several government officials and entertainment personalities were present at his funeral.
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