Sunday Akanbi Akinola
Other names: Baba Feyikogbon
Job / Known for: Actor and comedian
Left traces: Feyikogbon series
Date: 1942-09-19
Location: NG Lagos
Date: 2023-01-08 (aged 81)
Resting place: NG Lagos
Death Cause: Kidney failure
Spouse: Awero (deceased) and another wife
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Feyikogbon o, feyikogbon
About me / Bio:
Sunday Akanbi Akinola, also known as Baba Feyikogbon, was a Nigerian actor and comedian who starred in the popular Feyikogbon series on NTA Channel 7 in the 1980s and 1990s. He was born on September 19, 1942 in Lagos, Nigeria. He started his acting career in the 1960s as a stage actor and later joined the television industry. He became famous for his role as Ayo Mogaji, a witty and humorous character who often got into trouble with his wife and neighbors in the Feyikogbon sitcom. The show was one of the longest running Yoruba language television series in Nigeria and had a large fan base. Akinola also appeared in other movies and television shows, such as Omo Orukan, Omo Alhaja, and Omo Elemosho. He was known for his comic timing, facial expressions, and catchphrases. He was married to two wives, one of whom died in 2019. He had no children of his own, but he adopted and raised some children from his extended family. He suffered from kidney failure and hypertension for years and sought public assistance for his medical bills in 2019. He died on January 8, 2023 at the age of 80 in Lagos, Nigeria. He was buried in his hometown according to Islamic rites. He was mourned by his fans, colleagues, and friends in the entertainment industry. He was regarded as one of the pioneers and legends of Nigerian comedy.
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