Gbenga Adeboye
Other names: Funwontan
Job / Known for: Comedian and radio presenter
Left traces: His songs and comedy albums
Date: 1959-09-30
Location: NG Odeomu, Osun State
Date: 2003-04-30 (aged 44)
Resting place: NG Lagos
Death Cause: Kidney-related diseases
Spouse: Omolara Gbenga Adeboye
Children: Damilola Gbenga Adeboye
Parent(s): Rebecca Tinuola Adeboye (mother)
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About me / Bio:
Gbenga Adeboye was a Nigerian singer, comedian, radio presenter, broadcaster and master of ceremony, popularly known as Funwontan. He was born on 30 September 1959 at Odeomu, a town in Osun State, Nigeria. He attended Apostolic Primary School, Odo-Okun Modakeke, Ile-Ife and later went to the Oramiyan Memorial Grammar School, Ife, before attending the Teacher Training College, Ipetumodu. He started his career as a radio presenter on Radio Lagos in the early 1980s, where he got the nickname Funwontan Oduology. He was also known as Alaye mi Gbengulo, Abefe, Alhaji Pastor Oluwo, Jengbetiele, and Itu baba Ita. He was a versatile entertainer who could sing, act, and crack jokes. He released several songs and comedy albums, such as Itu Baba Ita, London Yabis, Laisi Abesupinle, and Jina Salabata. He was described as a generous comedian by his colleagues and fans. He was married to Omolara Gbenga Adeboye and had a daughter named Damilola. He died of kidney-related diseases on 30 April 2003 at the age of 43. He was buried in Lagos, Nigeria.
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