Filip Robar Dorin
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Job / Known for: Film Director
Left traces:
Date: 1940-09-08
Location: SI Bor
Date: 2023-11-20 (aged 83)
Resting place: SI
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Filip Robar Dorin My QR code: Filip Robar Dorin
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The revolution of the heart means that you are freed from all restraints.
About me / Bio:
Filip Robar Dorin was a renowned Slovenian film director, screenwriter, and editor. His career spanned over five decades, during which he created numerous short and medium-length documentary and feature films, as well as twelve full-length films and video portraits of prominent Slovenian cultural figures. He was a recipient of several Slovenian and international film awards, including the Golden Arena for Best Director. His work has left a lasting impact on the Slovenian film industry and culture.
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Article for Filip Robar Dorin

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