Katja Boh
Other names:
Job / Known for: Sociologist, Politician
Left traces:
Date: 1929-05-16
Location: SI Ljubljana
Date: 2008-08-08 (aged 79)
Resting place: SI Žale cemetery, Ljubljana
Death Cause: Natural Causes
Spouse: Dr. Boh
Children: Katja Boh , Cerjak
Parent(s): Zoltan Székely, Nina Kunej
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Katja Boh My QR code: Katja Boh https://DearGone.com/16389
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Katja Boh

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Dedicated to the study of family and the betterment of society.
About me / Bio:
Katja Boh was a prominent Slovenian sociologist, diplomat, and politician. Born into a wealthy middle-class family, she faced the adversities of World War II and later engaged in the study of family patterns, becoming a leading European expert in the field. A staunch supporter of human rights and political pluralism, she co-founded the Slovenian Social Democratic Party and served as the Minister for Health in Slovenia's first democratic government. Her diplomatic career included serving as the Slovenian ambassador to Austria. Boh's contributions to sociology and politics left a lasting impact on Slovenian society and beyond.
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