Andrej Hieng
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Job / Known for: Writer, Playwright, Theatre Director
Left traces: Prešeren Award, Kresnik Award
Date: 1925-02-17
Location: SI Ljubljana
Date: 2000-01-17 (aged 75)
Resting place: SI Ljubljana
Death Cause: Natural Causes
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Creativity is the soul of the universe.
About me / Bio:
Andrej Hieng was a renowned Slovene writer, playwright, and theatre director. Born in Ljubljana in 1925, he studied at the Academy of Performing Arts in Ljubljana and worked as a theatre director in various cities. His notable works include 'Čarodej', 'Obnebje metuljev', and 'Čudežni feliks'. He received the Prešeren Award in 1988 for his prose and drama works and the Kresnik Award for his novel 'Čudežni feliks' in 1994. In 1995, he was made a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He passed away in Ljubljana in 2000, leaving a significant mark on Slovenian literature and theatre.
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