Thich Quang Duc
Other names: Lam Van Tuc Lâm Văn Túc
Job / Known for: Monk
Left traces: Heart remains
Date: 1897
Location: VN Hoi Khanh, Annam
Date: 1963-06-11 (aged 66)
Resting place: VN Xa Loi Pagoda, Saigon
Death Cause: Self-immolation
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Thích Quảng Đức

No news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one.
About me / Bio:
Thích Quảng Đức was a Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk who is remembered for his act of self-immolation on June 11, 1963, in Saigon. He was protesting against the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government led by Ngô Đình Diệm. His act of sacrifice became a symbol of the Buddhist crisis during the Vietnam War and brought global attention to the plight of Buddhists in Vietnam.
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Article for Thich Quang Duc

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