Khai Dinh
Other names: Nguyen Phuc Buu Dao Nguyễn Phúc Bửu Đảo
Job / Known for: Emperor
Left traces: Ứng Lăng
Date: 1885-10-08
Location: VN Imperial City of Huế
Date: 1925-11-06 (aged 40)
Resting place: VN Kien Trung palace, Imperial City of Huế
Death Cause: Illness
Spouse: Multiple
Children: Bảo Đại
Parent(s): Đồng Khánh and Empress Hựu Thiên
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Khai Dinh

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Khải Định

Modernize to survive.
About me / Bio:
Khải Định was the 12th emperor of the Nguyễn dynasty in Vietnam, reigning from 1916 to 1925. He was known for his close collaboration with French colonial rulers and his efforts to modernize Vietnam's administrative system and education. Despite his controversial rule, he left a significant mark on Vietnamese history.
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