Alhaji Sikiru Ayinde Barrister
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Job / Known for: Fuji music pioneer
Left traces: Over 70 albums
Date: 1948-02-09
Location: NG Lagos, Lagos State
Date: 2010-12-16 (aged 62)
Resting place: GB Isolo, Lagos State
Death Cause: Heart failure
Spouse: Salamotu Balogun, Kudirat Balogun, Silifat Balogun, Modinat Balogun, and others
Children: Barry Showkey, Barry Jhay, and others
Parent(s): Salawu Balogun and mother
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Fuji music is the music of the people
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About me / Bio:
Alhaji Sikiru Ayinde Barrister was a Nigerian-born Yoruba singer-songwriter, song producer and music performer. He is regarded as a pioneer of Fuji and Wéré music. After his first break into music in 1965, Ayinde Barrister went on to release over 70 studio albums. He had his early education at Muslim Mission School and the Model School, Mushin, Lagos. He later studied typing and other commercial related classes at Yaba Polytechnic. He worked as a typist, also known today as a secretary, for Nigerian Breweries and was later enlisted as a clerk in the Nigerian Army during the Nigeria Civil War. He served in the 10th Brigade of the 2nd Division of the Nigerian Army under Col Adeniran and fought in Awka, Abagana and Onitsha. On his return from the war, he was posted to the Army Signals Headquarters, Apapa and later to the Army Resettlement Centre, Oshodi. He left the army to become a full-time musician and proceeded to start a full-fledged band of 34 percussionists and vocalists called the "Supreme Fuji Commanders". His Fuji Music is a blend of earlier traditional musical genres of Apala, Sakara, Awurebe and others. He had a popular record titled Reality (2004). He had a bitter feud with another Fuji singer, Kollington Ayinla in 1982. Ayinde Barrister had a couple of successful shows in London in 1990 and 1993 performing what later became known as the Fuji Garbage sound. He died on 16 December 2010 at St. Mary's Hospital, London, United Kingdom, after a brief illness. He was buried at his residence in Isolo, Lagos State, Nigeria. He was survived by many wives, children and grandchildren. He was honoured with many awards and titles, including Member of the Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (MFR), Doctor of Music (Honoris Causa) by City University, Los Angeles, USA, and Alhaji Agba (The Elder Statesman) by the Alaafin of Oyo. He was widely respected and admired by his fans and fellow musicians.
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