Ada Ameh
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Job / Known for: Actress
Left traces: The Johnsons
Date: 1974-05-15
Location: NG Ajegunle, Lagos State
Date: 2022-07-17 (aged 48)
Resting place: NG Otukpo, Benue State
Death Cause: Collapsed
Children: Gift Aladi Ameh
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Ada Ameh

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About me / Bio:
Ada Ameh was a Nigerian actress who spent more than two decades in the Nigerian movie industry and was notable for her character as Anita in the 1996 movie titled Domitilla and as Emu Johnson in the award-winning Nigerian television series titled The Johnsons. She was born and raised in Ajegunle, Lagos State, a south-western geographical part of Nigeria predominantly occupied by the Yoruba-speaking people of Nigeria. She received both primary and secondary education in Lagos State but quit school at age 14, the same age she gave birth to her daughter. She officially became part of the Nigerian movie industry Nollywood in 1995 and received her first movie role in 1996, where she played the character Anita in the movie Domitilla, which became quite successful. She also featured in the Nigerian TV series titled The Johnsons, which also became a successful project that received awards. She lost her daughter in October 2020 due to a brain tumor. She died after collapsing in Warri on 17 July 2022 at the age of 48. She suffered from mental health issues prior to her death. A tribute occasion was held for her by the Actors Guild of Nigeria on 18 August 2022 and she was later buried on 26 August at her hometown in Otukpo, Benue State.
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