Hildebrando Castro Pozo
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Job / Known for: sociologist, politician
Left traces: Nuestra comunidad indígena
Date: 1890-09-09
Location: PE Ayabaca
Date: 1945-09-01 (aged 55)
Resting place: PE Lima
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Hildebrando Castro Pozo My QR code: Hildebrando Castro Pozo https://DearGone.com/16586
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Peru is a living country thanks to millions of people who overcome,who look forward with hope.
About me / Bio:
Hildebrando Castro Pozo was a prominent Peruvian intellectual, sociologist, and politician born on September 9, 1890, in Ayabaca, Piura. He is known for his strong essays on the misery and extreme poverty of sharecroppers on the coastal plantations and his advocacy for the rights of indigenous people. His work in the national Ministry of Development and his influential writings, such as 'Nuestra comunidad indígena,' have left a lasting impact on Peruvian society and the indigenismo movement. He passed away on September 1, 1945, in Lima.
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Article for Hildebrando Castro Pozo

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