Srecko Kosovel
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Job / Known for: Poet
Left traces: Modernist poetry
Date: 1904-03-18
Location: SI Sežana, Gorizia and Gradisca
Date: 1926-05-26 (aged 22)
Resting place: IT Tomaj, Sežana
Death Cause:
Parent(s): Anton Kosovel, Katarina Kosovel
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Srečko Kosovel

A kaleidoscope of the macrocosm is the microcosm.
About me / Bio:
Srečko Kosovel was a Slovenian poet, considered one of central Europe's major modernist poets. He was known for his impressionistic poetry of his native Karst region, his resistance to the forced Italianization of Slovene areas annexed by Italy, and his avant-garde constructivist forms. Most of Kosovel's works were published posthumously, and he is now recognized as a Slovenian poetic icon.
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