Franjo Malgaj
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Job / Known for: Military Leader and Poet
Left traces: Slovenian national consciousness
Date: 1894-11-10
Location: SI Hruševec, Šentjur
Date: 1919-05-06 (aged 25)
Resting place: AT Tolsti Vrh near Dravograd, Carinthia
Death Cause: Combat
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About me / Bio:
Franjo Malgaj was a Slovenian soldier, military leader, and poet. Born on November 10, 1894, in Hruševec, Šentjur, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he was an officer in the Austro-Hungarian Army during World War I. After the war, he became a commanding officer in the Slovene volunteer army under Rudolf Maister's command, fighting for the northern Slovenian borderlands. He is remembered for his role in the Austro-Slovene conflict in Carinthia and is considered a Slovenian national hero. Malgaj's death on May 6, 1919, at Tolsti Vrh near Dravograd in Carinthia, was a result of combat during the Austrian-Yugoslav struggles. His legacy lives on in the Slovenian national consciousness, and he is celebrated for his patriotism and contributions to Slovenia's history.
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