Ngo Van Trien
Other names: Truc Khe Trúc Khê
Job / Known for: translator
Left traces:
Date: 1901-05-22
Location: VN
Date: 1947-08-26 (aged 46)
Resting place: VN
Death Cause:
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Ngô Văn Triện

Know others who know yourself, victory is guaranteed; Know the earth and know the world.
About me / Bio:
Ngo Van Trien, also known by his pen names Truc Khe, Cam Khe, and others, was a Vietnamese writer, journalist, and revolutionary. He is known for translating several important works into Vietnamese, including 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu. His contributions to literature and his involvement in the revolutionary movement left a lasting impact on Vietnamese culture.
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