Nguyen Thi Dinh
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Job / Known for: Military General
Left traces: Vietnam's Women's Liberation
Date: 1920-03-15
Location: VN Bến Tre Province
Date: 1992-08-26 (aged 72)
Resting place: VN Ho Chi Minh City, resting place undisclosed
Death Cause: Heart attack
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Nguyễn Thị Định

The most important Southern woman revolutionary in the war.
About me / Bio:
Nguyễn Thị Định was a prominent figure in Vietnam's history, known for her role as a revolutionary and the first female general of the Vietnam People's Army during the Vietnam War. She was also the first female Vice President of Vietnam. Her contributions to the war effort and her leadership in the Women's Liberation movement have left a lasting impact on the country. She was born into a peasant family and joined the Viet Minh forces to fight against French colonial rule. She was imprisoned by the French but continued her fight for Vietnam's independence. After the war, she served on the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Communist Party and was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize. Her memoirs were published, providing insight into her life and the struggles of the Vietnamese people during a tumultuous period.
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