Anna Bilinska-Bohdanowicz
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Job / Known for: Portrait painter
Left traces: Her paintings
Date: 1854-12-08
Location: PL Zlatopol, Kherson Governorate
Date: 1893-04-08 (aged 39)
Resting place: PL Powązki Cemetery, Warsaw
Death Cause: Heart failure
Spouse: Antoni Bohdanowicz
Parent(s): Jan Biliński and Maria Bilińska
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I have a Cossack's temperament, but a Polish heart.
About me / Bio:
Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz was a Polish painter, known for her realistic portraits. She spent most of her life in Paris, where she studied at the Académie Julian and exhibited her works at the Salon. She was considered the "first internationally known Polish woman artist". She painted various subjects, such as landscapes, still lifes, nudes, and genre scenes, but she was especially praised for her portraits of women, which showed their individuality and dignity. She also painted self-portraits, which revealed her confidence and artistic identity. She was influenced by French realism, impressionism, and symbolism, as well as by Polish art and culture. She was married to Antoni Bohdanowicz, a Polish nobleman and landowner, whom she met in Paris. She died of heart failure at the age of 38, shortly after returning to Warsaw. Her paintings are displayed in many museums and galleries in Poland and abroad.
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