Joao Gilberto do Prado Pereira de Oliveira
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Job / Known for: Guitarist, singer, and composer
Left traces: Bossa nova genre
Date: 1931-06-10
Location: BR Juazeiro, Bahia
Date: 2019-07-06 (aged 88)
Resting place: BR Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Cemitério São João Batista
Death Cause: Natural causesy
Spouse: Astrud Gilberto (1959-1964), Miúcha (1965-1971), Maria do Céu Harris (1984-2003; 2005-2019)
Children: João Marcelo, Bebel, Luisa
Parent(s): Joviniano Domingos de Oliveira and Martinha do Prado Pereira de Oliveira
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About me / Bio:
João Gilberto was a Brazilian musician who was one of the pioneers of the bossa nova style, a fusion of samba and jazz. He is widely regarded as the father of bossa nova and one of the most influential figures in Brazilian music history. He started his career as a crooner in radio stations in Salvador and Rio de Janeiro, but soon developed his own distinctive style of guitar playing and singing, characterized by syncopated rhythms, soft voice, and minimal accompaniment. He collaborated with many renowned artists, such as Antônio Carlos Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes, Stan Getz, and Caetano Veloso. He recorded several albums that are considered classics of bossa nova, such as Chega de Saudade (1959), O Amor, o Sorriso e a Flor (1960), and Getz Gilberto (1964), which featured the hit song "The Girl from Ipanema". He also performed in many countries around the world, including the United States, Japan, France, and Italy. He received many awards and honors for his contributions to music, such as the Grammy Award, the Latin Grammy Award, the Ordem do Mérito Cultural, and the Légion d'honneur. He died at the age of 88 in his home in Rio de Janeiro.
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Article for Joao Gilberto do Prado Pereira de Oliveira

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