Lygia Fagundes Telles
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Job / Known for: Novelist and short story writer
Left traces: Several literary awards and honors
Date: 1918-04-19
Location: BR São Paulo, São Paulo
Date: 2022-04-03 (aged 104)
Resting place: BR São Paulo, São Paulo
Death Cause: Natural causes
Spouse: Gofredo Telles Júnior (1947-1960), Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes (1962-1977)
Children: Goffredo da Silva Telles Neto
Parent(s): Maria do Rosário da Silva Jardim de Moura and Durval de Azevedo Fagundes
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I write to understand myself better, and hopefully to understand others as well.
About me / Bio:
Lygia Fagundes Telles was a Brazilian novelist and writer, considered one of the most important and influential authors of the 20th century in Brazil. She was educated as a lawyer, but devoted herself to literature since her childhood. She published her first book of short stories, Porão e Sobrado, in 1938, and her first novel, Ciranda de Pedra, in 1954. She was known for her masterful use of language, her exploration of women's sexuality, and her themes of death, love, fear, and madness. She was a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, the Paulista Academy of Letters, and the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. She received several awards and honors, such as the Camões Prize, the Jabuti Prize, the Coelho Neto Prize, and the Pen Club Prize. She died in 2022, at the age of 103, leaving behind a legacy of remarkable works that influenced generations of readers and writers.
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