Antonio Carlos Jobim
Other names: Tom Jobim Tom do Vinícius
Job / Known for: Composer of bossa nova and Latin jazz
Left traces: Many songs that became jazz
Date: 1927-01-25
Location: BR Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro
Date: 1994-12-08 (aged 67)
Resting place: US Cemitério de São João Batista, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro
Death Cause: Heart failure
Spouse: Thereza Otero Hermanny (1949-1978), Ana Lontra Jobim (1986-1994)
Children: Paulo Jobim, Elizabeth Jobim, João Francisco Jobim, Maria Luiza Jobim
Parent(s): Jorge de Oliveira Jobim, Nilza Brasileiro de Almeida
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About me / Bio:
Antônio Carlos Jobim was one of the most influential Brazilian musicians of the 20th century. He was a pioneer of the bossa nova style, a fusion of samba and jazz that became popular worldwide in the 1960s. He composed many songs that are now considered classics, such as "The Girl from Ipanema", "Desafinado", "Corcovado", "Wave", "One Note Samba", and "Chega de Saudade". He collaborated with many artists, such as João Gilberto, Vinícius de Moraes, Stan Getz, Astrud Gilberto, Frank Sinatra, Elis Regina, and Chico Buarque. He also wrote music for films, such as "Black Orpheus" and "The Adventurers". He was praised for his sophisticated melodies, harmonies, and arrangements, as well as his distinctive voice and piano style. He was influenced by classical composers, such as Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel, as well as jazz musicians, such as Duke Ellington and Miles Davis. He also incorporated elements of Brazilian folklore, nature, and poetry into his music. He received many awards and honors, such as four Grammy Awards, the Latin Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, and the induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Latin Songwriters Hall of Fame. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers of the 20th century and a cultural icon of Brazil.
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