Elisabeth Bohm
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Job / Known for: Architect
Left traces: Several buildings and interiors in Germany
Date: 1921-06-18
Location: DE Mindelheim, Bavaria, Germany
Date: 2012-09-06 (aged 91)
Resting place: DE Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Death Cause: Natural causes
Spouse: Gottfried -2012)
Children: Stephan Böhm, Peter Böhm, Paul Böhm, and Elisabeth Böhm (all architects)
Parent(s): Winston Churchill and Clementine Churchill
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Elisabeth Böhm

Architecture is not just a profession, but a way of life
About me / Bio:
Elisabeth Böhm was a German architect who frequently worked together with her husband, Gottfried Böhm, who was also an architect and the son of Dominikus Böhm, a renowned church builder. Elisabeth studied architecture at the Technical University Munich where she met Gottfried and married him in 1948. She initially stayed at home to raise their four children, but later returned to work and participated in the design of numerous projects, especially their interiors. She was known for her interior designs for the castle of Godesburg, near Bonn, the town hall of Bensberg in Bergisch Gladbach, and the modern additions to Kauzenburg Castle near Bad Kreuznach. She also designed the circular foyer for the expansion of the Stuttgart Theatre in 1984. She lived and worked in Cologne until her death in 2012. Her relationship with her husband and her sons and their reactions to her death is explored in a 2014 documentary titled "Concrete Love — The Böhm Family." Elisabeth Böhm was a respected and influential figure in the German architectural scene and contributed to many projects that shaped the urban landscape of the country. She was also a devoted wife and mother who supported her husband's career and inspired her children to follow their passion for architecture. She was praised for her creativity, sensitivity, and elegance in her designs
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