Carl Orff
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Job / Known for: Composer and music educator
Left traces: Carmina Burana and Schulwerk
Date: 1895-07-10
Location: DE Munich, Kingdom of Bavaria, German Empire
Date: 1982-03-29 (aged 87)
Resting place: DE
Death Cause: Pancreatic cancer
Spouse: Alice Solscher (1919–1925), Gertrud Willert (1939–1953), Luise Rinser (1954–1959), Liselotte Schmitz (1960–1982)
Children: Godela Orff (1921–2013)
Parent(s): Heinrich Orff and Paula Orff (née Köstler)
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Carl Orff

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Tell me I forget; show me I remember; involve me I understand
About me / Bio:
Carl Orff was a German composer and music educator who developed an influential method of music education for children. He is best known for his cantata Carmina Burana, which is based on medieval poems and songs. He also composed operas, chamber music, choral works, and orchestral works. His musical style was influenced by ancient Greek drama, folk music, and modern techniques. He used simple melodies, rhythmic patterns, and percussion instruments to create a powerful and expressive musical language. He was also interested in the relationship between music, movement, dance, and speech. He collaborated with Dorothee Günther and Gunild Keetman to create the Günther School for gymnastics, music, and dance in Munich. He also founded the Orff Institute in Salzburg in 1961 to train teachers in his method of music education. His method, known as Orff Schulwerk or Music for Children, is based on the idea that children learn best through play and improvisation. He designed a series of musical instruments, such as xylophones, glockenspiels, metallophones, and drums, that are suitable for children and easy to play. He also collected folk songs and nursery rhymes from different cultures and languages to use as musical material. His method aims to develop the musical potential of every child and foster their creativity, social skills, and self-expression. Carl Orff was born in Munich on July 10, 1895. He came from a family of military officers and scholars. His father was an army officer with strong musical interests, and his mother was a trained pianist. He had one younger sister named Maria. He showed an early talent for music and composed his first songs at the age of five. He learned to play piano, organ, cello, and percussion instruments. He attended the Munich Academy of Music and studied composition with Heinrich Kaminski. He also studied musicology with Adolf Sandberger at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He was influenced by the music of Richard Wagner, Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, Claude Debussy, Igor Stravinsky, and Arnold Schoenberg. He began his career as a conductor and music teacher in Munich, Mannheim, and Darmstadt. He married Alice Solscher in 1919 and had a daughter named Godela in 1921. He divorced Alice in 1925 and married Gertrud Willert in 1939. He divorced Gertrud in 1953 and married Luise Rinser in 1954. He divorced Luise in 1959 and married Liselotte Schmitz in 1960. He died of pancreatic cancer in Munich on March 29, 1982. He was buried at Andechs Abbey near Lake Ammersee in Bavaria. Carl Orff was one of the most original and influential composers of the 20th century. His music has been performed and recorded by many artists and ensembles around the world. His method of music education has been adopted by many schools and institutions in different countries. His legacy continues to inspire generations of musicians, educators, and children.
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