Pompiliu Constantinescu
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Job / Known for: Literary Critic
Left traces:
Date: 1901-05-17
Location: RO Bucharest
Date: 1946-05-09 (aged 45)
Resting place: RO
Death Cause: cardiac arrest
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Pompiliu Constantinescu My QR code: Pompiliu Constantinescu https://DearGone.com/16427
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Modern criticism is itself a literary genre, a creation.
About me / Bio:
Pompiliu Constantinescu was a renowned Romanian literary critic known for his contributions to Romanian literature and his critical essays. Born on May 17, 1901, in Bucharest, he was a prominent figure in the literary community. He attended Gheorghe Lazăr and Mihai Viteazul High Schools, followed by the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Bucharest. His works include 'Mișcarea literară', 'Opere și autori', 'Critice', among others. He passed away on May 9, 1946, due to a cardiac arrest, attributed to his excessive smoking habit.
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