Ita Rina
Other names: Italina Lida Kravanja
Job / Known for: Actress
Left traces:
Date: 1907-07-07
Location: SI Divača, Gorizia and Gradisca
Date: 1979-05-10 (aged 72)
Resting place: SI Budva, SR Montenegro
Death Cause: Natural Causes
Spouse: Miodrag Đorđević
Parent(s): Jožef and Marija Kravanja
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Ita Rina

Fullname NoEnglish

Tamara Đorđević

The screen is the mirror of the soul.
About me / Bio:
Ita Rina, born Italina Lida Kravanja, was a Slovenian film actress and beauty queen. She was one of the major film stars in Germany and Czechoslovakia in the late 1920s and the early 1930s. Rina retired from her career shortly after her wedding in 1931, when she changed her religion from Roman Catholic to Serbian Orthodox and her name to Tamara Đorđević.
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