Duc Hoan
Other names:
Job / Known for: Film Director and Actress
Left traces: String
Date: 1937-01-02
Location: VN Hanoi
Date: 2003-04-02 (aged 66)
Resting place: VN Hanoi
Death Cause: Illness
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Duc Hoan My QR code: Duc Hoan https://DearGone.com/15793
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Duc Hoan

Fullname NoEnglish

Đức Hoàn

For the love of cinema and country.
About me / Bio:
Đức Hoàn was a Vietnamese film director and actress, known for her role as Mỵ in "Vợ chồng A Phủ" and her work in directing and screenwriting. She was born on January 2, 1937, in Hanoi, Vietnam. At the age of 12, she joined the revolution and later studied in China before volunteering for the army. Đức Hoàn's acting career, though not expansive, left a significant mark in Vietnamese cinema. She received the Silver Lotus Award at the second Vietnam Film Festival in 1973 for her performance. After studying film directing in Moscow, she directed several films and was conferred the title of Distinguished Artist by the State. She passed away on April 2, 2003, in Hanoi.
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