Peter Lymburner Robertson
Other names: P. L. Robertson
Job / Known for: Inventor of the Robertson screw and screwdriver
Left traces: Robertson drive and manufacturing company
Date: 1879-12-10
Location: CA Seneca, Ontario
Date: 1951-09-28 (aged 72)
Resting place: US Milton, Ontario, Evergreen Cemetery
Death Cause: Heart attack
Parent(s): John Robertson and Margaret Young
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The best screwdriver ever made.
About me / Bio:
P. L. Robertson was born on December 10, 1879, in Seneca, Ontario, Canada. He was one of six children of Scottish immigrants. He lost both his parents when he was nine years old and was raised by his grandmother and uncle. He showed an interest in inventions and mechanics from an early age. He attended McGill University in Montreal, where he studied theology and physical education. He also excelled in sports such as rugby, lacrosse, soccer, and gymnastics. He graduated in 1888 and became a physical instructor at McGill. In 1890, he moved to the United States and enrolled at the International YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. There, he worked as a salesman for a Philadelphia tool company. One day, while demonstrating a tool, he injured his hand when his screwdriver slipped out of a slotted screw. This incident inspired him to design a safer and more efficient screw and screwdriver, with a square socket and a matching tip. He patented his invention in 1909 and established his own manufacturing company in Hamilton, Ontario. He later moved his company to Milton, Ontario, where he received financial and infrastructural support from the town. His Robertson screw and screwdriver became very popular and widely used in various industries, especially in automobile manufacturing. He supplied his products to companies such as Ford, Fisher Body, and General Motors. He also invented other tools and devices, such as a mousetrap, a corkscrew, a staple maker, and a cufflink. He was also a philanthropist who supported various causes and organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, the Salvation Army, and the Red Cross. He wrote a book called The New Era, in which he proposed solutions for world economic problems. He died on September 28, 1951, in Milton, Ontario, from a heart attack. He was 71 years old. He was inducted into the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame in 1997. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential Canadian inventors and industrialists of the 20th century.
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