Ghali Umar Na'Abba
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Job / Known for: Speaker of the House of Representatives
Left traces: Reforms in the legislature
Date: 1958-09-27
Location: NG Tudun Wada, Kano City, Kano State
Date: 2023-12-27 (aged 65)
Resting place: NG Kano, Kano State, Tudun Nufawa Cemetery
Death Cause: Prolonged illness
Spouse: Hajia Aisha Ghali Umar Na’Abba
Children: Abdullahi, Fatima, Amina, Umar, Maryam, and Zainab
Parent(s): Alhaji Umar Na’Abba and Hajiya Fatima Na’Abba
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The legislature is the soul of democracy
About me / Bio:
Ghali Umar Na’Abba was a Nigerian politician who served as the 8th Speaker of the House of Representatives of Nigeria from 1999 to 2003. He was born into a wealthy and influential family in Kano City, and received his education at Jakara Primary School, Rumfa College, School of Preliminary Studies, and Ahmadu Bello University, where he obtained a bachelor's degree in Political Science. He joined his father's chain of businesses after his national service, and ventured into importation, manufacturing, and publishing. He joined politics in 1998, and was elected as a member of the House of Representatives under the platform of the People's Democratic Party (PDP). He became the Speaker of the House in 1999, and was known for his reforms in the legislative arm of government, as well as his opposition to the third term agenda of President Olusegun Obasanjo. He left office in 2003, and later joined the All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2014. He was also the founder and chairman of the National Consultative Forum, a political pressure group that advocated for good governance and national unity. He died on 27 December 2023 at the National Hospital, Abuja, after a prolonged illness. He was buried in Kano, according to Islamic rites. He was survived by his wife, six children, and many grandchildren. He was awarded the Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic (CFR) for his service to the nation.
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