Maitama Sule
Other names: Yusuf Maitama Sule
Job / Known for: Federal Commissioner of Public Complaints
Left traces: Anti-apartheid activism, elder statesmanship
Date: 1929-10-01
Location: NG Kano State
Date: 2017-07-03 (aged 88)
Resting place: EG Kano emir's palace, Kano
Death Cause: Lung infection
Spouse: Safinatu Maitama Sule
Children: 10 children, including Aminu Maitama Sule and Mariya Maitama Sule
Parent(s): Mallam Sule and Hajiya Aishatu
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The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend
About me / Bio:
Maitama Sule was a Nigerian politician, diplomat, and elder statesman who held the danmasanin Kano, a chieftaincy title. He started his political career in 1954 as a member of the Northern House of Assembly and later became the Minister of Mines and Power, overseeing the oil portfolio. He was also the chief whip of the Federal House of Representatives and led the Nigerian delegation to the Conference of Independent African States in 1960. He was a founding member of the National Party of Nigeria and contested for the presidency in 1979, but lost to Shehu Shagari. He was then appointed as Nigeria's representative to the United Nations, where he chaired the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid and advocated for the liberation of South Africa from white minority rule. He also served as the Minister for National Guidance in 1983, a portfolio designed to assist the president in tackling corruption. He was a respected orator and a champion of national unity, peace, and dialogue. He was known for his wisdom, eloquence, and humour. He died in Cairo, Egypt, on July 3, 2017, after a brief illness and was buried at the Kano emir's palace. He was survived by his wife, 10 children, and many grandchildren. He was honoured with several awards and recognitions, both locally and internationally, for his contributions to Nigeria and Africa.
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