Ellyas Pical
Other names: The Exocet
Job / Known for: Boxer and coach
Left traces: First world boxing champion from Indonesia
Date: 1960-03-24
Location: ID Saparua
Date: 2021-06-14 (aged 61)
Resting place: ID Tangerang, Banten, Jalan Raya Serpong
Death Cause: Heart attack
Spouse: Richi Puspita Dili
Children: Marcus Alexander Kido and Mikhaela Angelica Kido
Parent(s): Djumharbey Anwar (deceased) and Yul Asteria Zakaria
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Boxing is not only a sport, but also an art.
About me / Bio:
Ellyas Pical was an Indonesian boxer who was known for his touch, consistency, tactical astuteness, and coolness under pressure. He started playing boxing in his childhood, taught by his mother who was a badminton champion herself. He inherited his sports talents from his parents, as his father was a local tennis champion in the 1930s. His father was also a brigade major of the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army in the war and was executed by the Japanese. Pical married Richi Puspita Dili, a former Indonesian women's doubles player, in 2010 and had two children. He was a Muslim by religion. He sacrificed his studies in the Erasmus University in the Netherlands to play for Indonesia in the Thomas Cup, the men's world team badminton championship. He was the playing captain or coach when Indonesia won or successfully defended the Thomas Cup three times in a row in 1958, 1961, and 1964. He also won many international singles titles, such as the Malaysia Open, the Dutch Open, the French Open, the German Open, the Canadian Open, and the U.S. Open. He was the runner-up at the All England Championships in 1959. He was considered one of the best badminton players of his era and a national hero in Indonesia. Pical's nickname "The Exocet" was given by the press referring to his left-hand punch. The name comes from the French-made missiles used to against the Royal Navy by the Argentine Air Force during the Falklands War, which happened in 1982 during Pical's era. He got his title with this left-hand punch, knocking out defending champion Ju-Do Chun. At that time, Pical was only the second man from Indonesia to fight for a world title, following Thomas Americo (defeated by Saoul Mamby for the WBC Super lightweight title in Jakarta in 1981). Pical's boxing career ended on a bitter note in the 1987 WBA title match with Thai holder Khaosai Galaxy at Senayan Stadium, Jakarta. He was defeated by TKO (referee stoppage) in the 14th round. He later became the president of the International Boxing Federation (IBF) and the president of the Boxing Association of Indonesia (PBI). He was also involved in other sports organizations, such as the Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) and the Asian Games Federation Council. He was the chef de mission of the Indonesian contingent to the Olympic Games in 1992. He died of a heart attack in Tangerang on 14 June 2021 at the age of 61.
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