Rachmat Witoelar
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Job / Known for: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister
Left traces: The idea of a maritime nation
Date: 1916-09-13
Location: ID Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, Dutch East Indies
Date: 1967-02-08 (aged 51)
Resting place: ID Karet Bivak Cemetery, Central Jakarta
Death Cause: Heart attack
Spouse: Yohana Siti Menara Saidah
Children: Maidaniah Hafidz Raisis Ahwahni
Parent(s): Achmad Saleh and Zubaidah binti Ahmad Marzuki
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Rachmat Witoelar My QR code: Rachmat Witoelar https://DearGone.com/12463
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We must be brave to face the challenges of the future.
About me / Bio:
Rachmat Witoelar was a prominent politician and a close confidant of President Sukarno. He was born in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, on 13 September 1916. He studied law at the Rechtshoogeschool te Batavia and became involved in various nationalist and socialist movements. He was one of the founding members of the Murba Party, which advocated for a socialist and anti-imperialist Indonesia. He also participated in the Indonesian War of Independence and was appointed as the Minister of State for Veterans Affairs in 1957. He later held several other ministerial positions, such as the Minister of Industry and Mining, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Deputy Prime Minister. He was also the first Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly from 1960 to 1966. He was known for his loyalty to Sukarno and his support for the Guided Democracy system. He also proposed the idea of Indonesia as a maritime nation with a 12-mile territorial boundary, which was adopted by the government in 1957. He died of a heart attack in Jakarta on 8 February 1967, at the age of 50. He was buried in Karet Bivak Cemetery with full military honors. He was posthumously awarded the title of General of the Indonesian Army. He was regarded as one of the most influential and controversial figures in Indonesian politics.
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