Lilis Suryani
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Job / Known for: Singer and songwriter
Left traces: Gang Kelinci and other patriotic songs
Date: 1948-08-22
Location: ID Jakarta
Date: 2007-10-07 (aged 59)
Resting place: ID Jakarta
Death Cause: Uterine cancer
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I am a singer, not a politician
About me / Bio:
Lilis Suryani was an Indonesian singer, known especially for her 1965 album Gang Kelinci and the song of the same name, a song highly critical of Indonesian president Sukarno's "Guided Democracy" program, which it criticizes (allegorically) for ending a period of liberal democracy and replacing it with a totalitarian system of censorship and economic exploitation. She also popularized the song Genjer-Genjer, which was associated with the 30 September Movement and banned after 1965. Suryani was born in Jakarta on 22 August 1948. As a young girl she showed herself to be a good singer, and was always looking for the opportunity to perform. She entered the music industry at age 15, when she was signed to Irama Records. This studio had her perform on the fledgling state television station TVRI, and with them she released her earliest songs, "Cai Kopi" and "Di Kala Malam Tiba", both of which were hits. She later released some songs with Bali Studios and Remaco¹. Suryani was sent to the front line of the Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation to entertain the troops in 1964; some years earlier she had gone to the neighbouring country to perform in an independence day celebration. That year she also made her feature film debut, in Diambang Fajar (On the Threshold of Dawn). During the mid-1960s Suryani recorded numerous patriotic songs, including "Tiga Malam" and "Pergi Berjuang". In 1965 Suryani released her album Gang Kelinci; the title song, "Gang Kelinci", was written by Titiek Puspa and has since become Suryani's best-known work¹. In 1966 and 1967 she acted in a further two films, Bunga Putih (White Flower; 1966) and Mahkota (Crown; 1967). After marrying, Suryani took a short hiatus from the music industry. Although she returned in the early 1970s, she was unable to reclaim her former fame. From 1972 to 1974 she was part of a girl band, The Female, together with Rita Rachman and Rose Sumanti. It performed several times on TVRI. With the band, Suryani not only sang, but also played a musical instrument. She made her last film, Jangan Kau Tangisi (Don't You Cry), in 1974². Suryani helped establish several organisations for singers in Jakarta, including Persatuan Artis Penyanyi Ibukota and Badan Koordinasi Seniman Indonesia, and continued stage performances into the 2000s. She died on 7 October 2007 of uterine cancer. Her husband had died several years before².
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