Raden Mochtar
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Job / Known for: Actor
Left traces: Several films
Date: 1918-05-31
Location: ID Cianjur, West Java
Date: 1997 (aged 79)
Resting place: DE Berlin, Germany
Death Cause: Natural causes
Spouse: Soekarsih
Children: Raden, Rima, and Rina
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Raden Mochtar My QR code: Raden Mochtar https://DearGone.com/12554
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I am not a star, I am an actor.
About me / Bio:
Raden Mochtar was an Indonesian actor who started his career in the 1930s and continued until the 1990s. He was of noble descent and was discovered by Albert Balink, a Dutch filmmaker who cast him in his first film Pareh in 1935. He rose to fame after starring in Terang Boelan, a commercial success that established a star system in the country's cinema. He worked with several film studios, such as Tan's Film and Star Film, and acted in various genres, including drama, comedy, and action. He was known for his handsome appearance, strong physique, and charismatic personality. He married his co-star Soekarsih in 1937 and had three children with her. He also became a businessman and a farmer, owning several properties and plantations. He moved to Germany in the 1970s and died there in 1997. He is considered one of the pioneers and legends of Indonesian cinema.
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