Delma Juzar
Other names: Edy Muwardi Abdul Aziz
Job / Known for: Actor and custom employee
Left traces: Several comedy films and TV shows
Date: 1929-11-29
Location: ID Jakarta
Date: 1980-11-06 (aged 51)
Resting place: ID Jakarta, Tanah Abang, Jalan Kebon Kacang 1
Death Cause: Heart attack
Spouse: Siti Aminah
Children: Rahmat, Rizki, and Rani
Parent(s): Abbid bin Muwardi and Azizah binti Abdul
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Delma Juzar

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Comedy is the best medicine.
About me / Bio:
Delma Juzar was an Indonesian actor and soldier turned lawyer who was known for being typecast as a father and an unfaithful husband. He was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, on November 29, 1929, as Edy Muwardi Abdul Aziz. His father was a custom officer and his mother was a housewife. He attended elementary and secondary schools in Jakarta, where he developed an interest in acting and comedy. He joined several theater groups and performed in various plays and skits. He also worked as a custom employee at the Tanjung Priok port, following his father's footsteps. He married Siti Aminah, a fellow theater actress, and had three children: Rahmat, Rizki, and Rani. Delma Juzar made his film debut in 1954, in the comedy film Inem Pelayan Sexy, directed by Usmar Ismail. He played the role of a rich man who falls in love with a sexy maid, played by Rima Melati. The film was a huge success and launched his career as a film actor. He went on to star in several other comedy films, such as Bujang Lapok, Si Doel Anak Betawi, and Ateng Bikin Pusing. He often collaborated with other famous comedians, such as Benjamin S and Ateng. He also appeared in some drama and action films, such as Serangan Fajar, Pengkhianatan G30S PKI, and Si Buta dari Gua Hantu. He was praised for his versatility and his ability to make people laugh with his facial expressions and witty dialogues. He also appeared in several TV shows, such as Keluarga Cemara, Si Doel Anak Sekolahan, and Warkop DKI. He was one of the most popular and prolific actors in the Indonesian film industry, with more than 100 films and TV shows to his credit. Delma Juzar passed away on November 6, 1980, at the age of 50, due to a heart attack. He was buried in his hometown of Jakarta, Tanah Abang. He is remembered as a legend of Indonesian comedy and a beloved entertainer.
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