Pope Innocent VI
Other names: Etienne Aubert Étienne Aubert
Job / Known for: Head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal
Left traces: Reforms in church administration
Date: 1282
Location: FR Les Monts, Kingdom of France
Date: 1362-09-12 (aged 80)
Resting place: FR
Death Cause: Illness
Parent(s): Adhemar Aubert and Agnes de Montchenu
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The Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
About me / Bio:
Pope Innocent VI was born in 1282 in Les Monts, a hamlet in the Diocese of Limoges, France. He was the son of Adhemar Aubert, a nobleman, and Agnes de Montchenu, a lady of noble birth. He studied civil law at Toulouse and became a professor there. He entered the church and was appointed as Bishop of Noyon in 1338 and Bishop of Clermont in 1340. He was created cardinal priest of SS. John and Paul by Pope Clement VI in 1342 and cardinal bishop of Ostia and Velletri in 1352. He was elected pope on 18 December 1352, after a conclave that lasted only two days. He took the name Innocent VI, becoming the fifth and only pope with that name. He was crowned on 30 December 1352 by Cardinal Gaillard de la Mothe. As pope, Innocent VI revoked an agreement that asserted the superiority of the college of cardinals over the pope and introduced important reforms in church administration, such as reducing the number of papal officials, curbing nepotism and simony, and improving the finances of the Holy See. He also aimed to restore order in Rome and the Papal States, which were plagued by violence and corruption. He sent his legate, Cardinal Gil Alvarez Carrillo de Albornoz, to Italy to pacify the rebellious cities and nobles. Albornoz succeeded in bringing most of the Papal States under papal control and paving the way for the return of the popes to Rome. Innocent VI played a significant role in the diplomatic affairs of Europe, especially in relation to the Hundred Years' War between France and England. He mediated several truces and treaties between the two sides, such as the Treaty of Brétigny in 1360, which ended the first phase of the war. He also tried to promote peace and unity among Christian princes and to defend the rights and interests of the church against secular encroachments. He supported Emperor Charles IV against his rivals and confirmed his imperial coronation in 1355. He also maintained good relations with King Peter I of Portugal, King Peter IV of Aragon, King Louis I of Hungary, King Casimir III of Poland, and other rulers. Innocent VI was interested in culture and learning and was a patron of letters. He founded several colleges and universities, such as the University of Cracow in Poland and the University of Pecs in Hungary. He also supported scholars and artists, such as Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio, Francesco di Vannozzo, Matteo Villani, and others. He encouraged missionary work and sent envoys to various countries, such as Ethiopia, Armenia, China, India, Persia, and Mongolia. He also received ambassadors from different regions, such as Byzantium, Russia, Lithuania, Cyprus, and Morocco. Innocent VI died on 12 September 1362 at Avignon after a brief illness. He was buried in the Chartreuse du Val de Bénédiction in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon , where his tomb is still preserved. He was succeeded by Urban V , who continued his policies and reforms. Innocent VI is generally considered a just and merciful pope , although he was criticized by some for his actions against the Fraticelli , a radical group of Franciscans who were condemned as heretics. He was also accused of being too lenient towards the English and too harsh towards the French in the Hundred Years' War.
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