Bernard Gui
Other names: Bernard Guidoni
Job / Known for: Inquisitor of heresy in Languedoc
Left traces: Television Miniseries,Literary Influence
Date: 1261-05-24
Location: FR Royères, Limousin, France
Date: 1331-12-30 (aged 70)
Resting place: FR
Death Cause: Natural causes
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Bernard Gui

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About me / Bio:
Bernard Gui (1261–1331) was a Limousin Dominican friar, Bishop of Lodève, and a papal inquisitor during the later stages of the Medieval Inquisition. He is known for his role in combating heresy in Languedoc. Gui's accomplishments extend beyond his inquisitorial duties; he was also involved in administration, diplomacy, and historical writing. Born in Royères, France, he entered the Dominican monastery at Limoges and studied theology across southern France. Gui served as Procurator General of the Dominican Order and undertook diplomatic missions on behalf of the papacy. He was made Bishop of Tui and later Bishop of Lodève. His burial place is the Church of Sainte-Marie in Limoges.
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