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Job / Known for: Acting in silent film
Left traces: Her influence on French cinema
Date: 1889-02-23
Location: FR Paris, France
Date: 1957-12-11 (aged 68)
Resting place: FR
Death Cause: Heart attack
Spouse: Dr. Clément Marot (1927-1944)
Children: One daughter, Clémentine-Hélène Dufau (1910-1999)
Parent(s): Jacques Roques and Adèle Clémence Porchez
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Jeanne Roques

I am not beautiful; I am irresistible.
About me / Bio:
Musidora was a French actress, film director, and writer. She is best known for her acting in silent films, and rose to public attention for roles in the Louis Feuillade serials Les Vampires as Irma Vep and in Judex as Marie Verdier. She was also one of the first French women film directors and a pioneer of feminist cinema. She was born Jeanne Roques in Paris, France to a music composer and a painter. She adopted the stage name Musidora, meaning "gift of the muses", after a character in Théophile Gautier's novel Fortunio. She began her career in the arts at an early age, writing her first novel at the age of fifteen and acting on the stage with the likes of Colette, one of her lifelong friends. She made her film debut in 1914 and soon collaborated with Louis Feuillade, the highly successful French film director. She became famous for her roles as Irma Vep, a cabaret singer and criminal mastermind, and Marie Verdier, a governess and adventuress, in Feuillade's serials Les Vampires and Judex respectively. She wore exotic costumes and heavy makeup that made her a recognizable icon of European cinema. She also directed several films, mostly comedies, between 1916 and 1928. She was interested in portraying women's lives and experiences in her films, often using feminist themes and humor. She also wrote articles, essays, poems, and novels, some of which were autobiographical or based on her travels. She was an avid painter and collector of art as well. She married Dr. Clément Marot, a physician and politician, in 1927 and divorced him in 1944. She had one daughter from a previous relationship, Clémentine-Hélène Dufau, who became a painter and sculptor. Musidora died of a heart attack in Paris in 1957 at the age of 68. She was buried at the Cimetière de Montmartre. Her legacy lives on in French cinema and culture, as she is considered one of the pioneers of feminist cinema and a symbol of modernity and emancipation.
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