Nicodim Munteanu
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Job / Known for: Patriarch
Left traces: Romanian Orthodox Church
Date: 1864-12-06
Location: RO Pipirig, Neamț
Date: 1948-02-27 (aged 84)
Resting place: RO Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest
Death Cause: Natural causes
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By God's mercy, Patriarch of All Romania
About me / Bio:
Nicodim Munteanu, born on December 6, 1864, in Pipirig, Neamț County, Romania, was the head of the Romanian Orthodox Church between 1939 and 1948. He studied theology at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy and became a monk at Neamț Monastery in 1894. A supporter of the Royal Family of Romania and a notable anti-Communist, he refused to support the Soviet-backed Communist regime in Romania during 1945–1947. Rumors circulated that he had been murdered, perhaps with Soviet approval, but evidence indicates he died of natural causes. He was buried at the Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest, next to the first Patriarch of Romania, Miron Cristea.
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