Sergiu Celibidache
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Job / Known for: Conductor
Left traces: Zen Buddhism in Music
Date: 1912-06-28
Location: RO Roman, Neamţ
Date: 1996-08-14 (aged 84)
Resting place: FR La Neuville-sur-Essonne, Departement du Loiret
Death Cause: Heart Attack
Spouse: Ioana Procopie Dimitrescu
Children: Sergiu Ioan Celibidache
Parent(s): Demostene and Maria Celibidache
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To understand music, you must listen to it.But so long as you are thinking, you are not listening.
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About me / Bio:
Sergiu Celibidache was a Romanian conductor, composer, musical theorist, and teacher. His career in music spanned over five decades, including tenures as principal conductor of the Munich Philharmonic and the Berlin Philharmonic. He was known for his spirited performance style informed by his study and experiences in Zen Buddhism.
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