Phan Khoi
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Job / Known for: Intellectual Leader
Left traces: Nhân Văn–Giai Phẩm affair
Date: 1887-10-06
Location: VN Quảng Nam Province
Date: 1959-01-16 (aged 72)
Resting place: VN Hanoi
Death Cause: Persecution
Parent(s): Phan Trân and Hoàng Thị Lệ
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Phan Khoi

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Art is a private sphere, Politics should not encroach upon it.
About me / Bio:
Phan Khôi was a Vietnamese intellectual, poet, and activist. He was an influential figure in the Nhân Văn–Giai Phẩm affair, advocating for freedom of speech and criticism of the Communist regime, which led to his persecution.
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