Chatin Sarachi
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Job / Known for: Painter and First Secretary of Albanian Embassy
Left traces: Modernization and cultural promotion
Date: 1903-06-14
Location: AL Shkodër, Ottoman Empire
Date: 1974-11-27 (aged 71)
Resting place: GB
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Spouse: Désirée Elizabeth
Parent(s): Gjok Saraçi (father)
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Çatin Saraçi

Art is what all like.
About me / Bio:
Chatin Sarachi was an Albanian painter and diplomat, who was born in Shkodër in 1903. He came from a well-known family of trading traditions, and was educated in Vienna and Tirana. He joined the Communist Party of Albania and became a prominent figure in the anti-fascist resistance during World War II. He was appointed as the First Secretary of the Albanian Embassy in London in 1933, where he became a well-known painter. He met and befriended the expressionist artist Oskar Kokoschka, and shared a studio with him in Kensington. He exhibited his works nationally and internationally, and was influenced by impressionism and expressionism. He painted various themes, such as portraits, landscapes, historical events, and folk motifs. He also illustrated the first Albanian language primer, published in 1945. He decided to remain in London and gave up his diplomatic career to concentrate on painting. He died in 1974, leaving behind a legacy of innovation, creativity, and courage in the Albanian art.
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