Izzat Traboulsi
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Job / Known for: Governor of the Central Bank of Syria
Left traces: Financial reforms, academic publications
Date: 1913-11-20
Location: SY Damascus
Date: 2000-12-06 (aged 87)
Resting place: LB Beirut
Death Cause: Natural causes
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عزة الطرابلسي

The economy is the basis of the state.
About me / Bio:
Izzat Traboulsi was a Syrian politician, economist, banker, and writer. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the Sorbonne University in Paris and taught at the University of Damascus. He was the first governor of the Central Bank of Syria from 1956 to 1961 and served as Minister of Economy and Trade under the government of Nazim al-Qudsi and Khalid Al-Azm in 1962. He was known for his liberal economic views and his efforts to re-establish Syria's industrial sector. He also wrote several books and articles on economic and political issues. He died in Beirut in 2000 at the age of 87.
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