Mohammad Yaqub Khan
Other names:
Job / Known for: Emir
Left traces: Treaty of Gandamak
Date: 1849
Location: AF Kabul
Date: 1923-11-15 (aged 74)
Resting place: IN Shimla
Death Cause: Natural Causes
Children: Abdul Shakur Khan, Abdul Ali Khan, Abdul Karim Khan, Abdul Aziz Khan, Nur Muhammad Khan
Parent(s): Sher Ali Khan, Maryam Begum
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About me / Bio:
Mohammad Yaqub Khan was Emir of Afghanistan from February 21 to October 12, 1879. Born into the Pashtun Barakzai dynasty, he was the son of Sher Ali Khan. As governor of Herat province, he attempted to rebel against his father but was imprisoned in 1874. During the Second Anglo-Afghan War, he succeeded his father as Emir and signed the Treaty of Gandamak, ceding control of Afghan foreign affairs to the British Empire. His reign was short-lived due to an uprising, and he abdicated in October 1879. He lived the rest of his life in British India and died in Shimla on November 15, 1923.
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Article for Mohammad Yaqub Khan

Died profile like Mohammad Yaqub Khan

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  • Salim Moizuddin Abdul Ali Voice of death
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    Age: y/o ()
    Died: IN
  • Upendranath Brahmachari Voice of death
    Upendranath Brahmachari
    উপেন্দ্রনাথ ব্রহ্মচারী
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  • Azhikodan Raghavan Voice of death
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    അഴീക്കോടൻ രാഘവൻ
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  • Ghulam Muhammad Tarzi Voice of death
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  • Raja Muhammad Sarwar Voice of death
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  • Gul Mohamad Zhowandai Voice of death
    Gul Mohamad Zhowandai
    Age: y/o ()
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  • Asima Chatterjee Voice of death
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  • Mohammad Hashim Khan Voice of death
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  • Jnan Chandra Ghosh Voice of death
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  • Beltoon Voice of death
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  • Ghazi Mohammad Ayub Khan Voice of death
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