Ludvig Holberg
Other names: Baron of Holberg Baron af Holberg
Job / Known for: Founder of modern Danish and Norwegian literature
Left traces: Comedies, essays, histories, and epics
Date: 1684-12-03
Location: NO Bergen
Date: 1754-01-28 (aged 70)
Resting place: DK Sorø, Zealand
Death Cause: Pneumonia
Parent(s): Christian Nielsen Holberg and Karen Lem
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The more a man knows, the more he forgives.
About me / Bio:
Ludvig Holberg was a prolific and influential writer, essayist, philosopher, historian, and playwright in the 18th century. He was born in Bergen, Norway, but spent most of his adult life in Denmark, where he became a professor at the University of Copenhagen. He wrote in various genres and languages, including Latin, Danish, and Norwegian. He is considered the founder of modern Danish and Norwegian literature, and one of the main representatives of the Enlightenment in Scandinavia. He was also a prominent Neo-Latin author, known across Europe for his writings. He is best known for the comedies he wrote in 1722–1723 for the Lille Grønnegade Theatre in Copenhagen, such as Jeppe of the Hill, The Political Tinker, and Erasmus Montanus. These plays satirized the follies and vices of his contemporary society, especially the aristocracy, the clergy, and the learned. He also wrote seriocomic epics, such as Peder Paars, a parody of Virgil's Aeneid, and The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground, a utopian fantasy. He also wrote numerous essays on topics such as natural law, natural rights, morality, religion, education, and literature. He was a pioneer of historical writing, producing works such as Introduction to the History of Leading European Nations, The History of Denmark, and The History of the Jewish Nation. He was also a keen observer of human nature and social customs, and his autobiography, The Epistles, is a valuable source of information about his life and times. Holberg was a man of great learning, wit, and humor, who used his talents to enlighten and entertain his readers. He was also a generous patron of arts and sciences, and donated his fortune to the establishment of Sorø Academy, a prestigious boarding school in Denmark. He died of pneumonia in 1754, and was buried in Sorø Church.
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