Dorothe Engelbretsdatter
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Job / Known for: Poet and hymn writer
Left traces: Several hymns and poems
Date: 1634-01-16
Location: NO Bergen
Date: 1716-02-19 (aged 82)
Resting place: NO Bergen Cathedral, Bergen
Death Cause: Old age
Spouse: Ambrosius Hardenbeck
Parent(s): Engelbret Jorgensson and Anna Wrangel
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My heart is full of grief and pain, but God is my comfort and my gain.
About me / Bio:
Dorothe Engelbretsdatter was a Norwegian author who lived in Bergen in the second half of the 17th century. She was one of the most popular poets of her time and wrote hymns and poems that were strongly religious. She was the first professional Norwegian poet who lived on a kind of poet's salary. She was also Norway's first recognized female author and one of the earliest feminists. She grew up in an upper-class environment with theoretical learning and was exposed to various cultural influences from Denmark, Germany, and England. She married a theological writer and had nine children, but only two of them survived. She suffered many hardships in her life, such as the death of her husband, the loss of her house in a fire, and the poverty and loneliness of her old age. She expressed her sorrow and faith in her verses, which were published in several volumes. Her main work was Siælens Sang-Offer (1678), which contained hymns and devotional pieces. She also wrote Taare-Offer (1685), a religious poem in four books, and Et kristeligt Valet fra Verden (1698), another volume of sacred verse. She was praised by King Christian V of Denmark-Norway and other prominent figures, such as Thomas Kingo, the father of Danish poetry. She is still represented in the Norwegian hymn book and is regarded as a pioneer of good writing in the mother tongue.
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