Mohammed Inuwa Wushishi
Other names: Inua Wushishi
Job / Known for: Chief of Army Staff
Left traces:
Date: 1940
Location: NG Wushishi, Niger State
Date: 2021-12-04 (aged 81)
Resting place: GB Sultan Bello Mosque, Kaduna
Death Cause: Natural causes
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The army is a tool of the nation
About me / Bio:
Mohammed Inuwa Wushishi was a Nigerian army lieutenant general who served as Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Nigeria from October 1981 to October 1983 during the Nigerian Second Republic. He was a Nupe Muslim from Niger State. He joined the army in 1961 and attended the Nigerian Military Training College, Kaduna, and then the Mons Officer Cadet School, Aldershot in the United Kingdom. He later attended the United States War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He served as a member of the United Nations Peace Keeping force in Congo in the early 1960s. He was appointed Deputy Commandant, Army School of Infantry in July 1975. He served as Federal Commissioner for Industries (January 1975 – March 1976) and was a member of the Supreme Military Council from 1976 to 1978. He was required to retire on 3 January 1984, after the 31 December 1983 coup in which General Muhammadu Buhari came to power. After retirement, he entered business. He became chairman of the board of directors of UAC of Nigeria, retiring on 1 January 2010 at age 70. He was also Chairman of the board of UPDC (property development), a director of Stanbic IBTC Bank and MTS first Wireless, and a member of the board of Acorn Petroleum. He received the national honour of Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger. He died on 4 December 2021 in London, at the age of 81.
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