Jorn Utzon
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Job / Known for: Architect of the Sydney Opera House
Left traces: Sydney Opera House, Bagsværd Church
Date: 1918-04-09
Location: DK Copenhagen
Date: 2008-11-29 (aged 90)
Resting place: DK Hellebæk Cemetery, Hellebæk
Death Cause: Heart attack
Spouse: Lis Fenger
Children: Jan, Kim, and Lin
Parent(s): Aage and Lin Utzon
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Jorn Utzon

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The sun did not know how beautiful its light was, until it was reflected off this building.
About me / Bio:
Jørn Utzon was a Danish architect who created a distinctive style of organic architecture, inspired by nature, culture, and human needs. He studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts under Kay Fisker and Steen Eiler Rasmussen, and travelled extensively to learn from different cultures and traditions. He worked as an architect in Sweden, Finland, Morocco, Mexico, and Australia, where he won the international competition for the design of the Sydney Opera House in 1957. His visionary design, consisting of a series of shell-like structures, was hailed as a masterpiece of modern architecture, but also faced many technical and political challenges. He resigned from the project in 1966, before its completion in 1973. He later returned as a consultant for the renovation of the building in 1999. He also designed many other buildings, such as the Bagsværd Church, which features a cloud-like ceiling, the Kuwait National Assembly Building, which reflects the Islamic and desert influences, and the Can Lis House, which is his own residence in Mallorca. He was a pioneer of sustainable and humanistic architecture, and a leader of the Danish modern movement. He received many awards and honors for his work, such as the Pritzker Prize, the Royal Gold Medal, the AIA Gold Medal, and the Sonning Prize. He was also named an honorary member of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects and the American Institute of Architects. He died in Copenhagen in 2008, and his work is included in the Danish Culture Canon. ¹²³
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